May Book Haul

May Book Haul

I received 14 books this month – in my defence it was my birthday and my mum got me a couple in New York.

Click on the images to read the captions about each one.

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Speak to you soon,

H x


The Candy Tag

The Candy Tag

1. Apples

Ah. Healthy food. It is deep, meaningful, and probably won a lot of awards but, um, it really isn’t your thing.

For me it has to be I’ll give you the sun by Jandy Nelson, I don’t really know why I didn’t enjoy this book, I just couldn’t get into and never finished.

2.Black Jellybeans


I’m stuck for this question.. I didn’t enjoy (or finish) Nightshade by Andrea R. Cremer. This book is about werewolfs and has quite an interesting plot, but I just don’t remember why I didn’t finish it.

3. Chocolate Kisses-

Aww…this novel had the best romance.

Geekerella (Review) is my most recent read with a cute romance. I loved this because it was fast paced, light and fluffy and perfect for summer. (If you live in the UK how amazing is this warm weather?)

4. Gummy Spiders

Eek! You made sure to check under your bed every night for a week after reading this scary one.

I get scared really easily so most books that I read with some kind of monster.. But the stand out book is probably Illuminae – this book is really creepy and almost like a thriller/horror book. I found the format and premise of the first two books in this series really intriguing,

5. Jumbo Lollypop

This took you forever to get through, but hey! You did it!

Game of Thrones! I am still so proud that I finished this! Even though this book took me 10 days of hardcore reading I loved everything about it, I didn’t find it boring at all. The story is so fast paced, but I am daunted by the rest of the series because I have read book 2 and 3 but haven’t properly finished either…. (I’m currently reading Anna Karenina so I feel like this may then be added to this list)

6. Cotton Candy-

Admit it, you loved this when you were younger (you probably still do). Think: children’s or MG fiction.

The Gone series by Micheal Grant. The Gone series is about this town where one day everyone over the age of 15 years disappears and these children then have to learn to survive, some of them also develop powers. I read this series as the last book Light was coming out, every couple of days I would force my Mum to drive me to the nearest bookshop after school just to buy the next one. The first time I read it I finished Light and picked up Gone all over again! Have you heard he is releasing another book in this series this year!!


This tag was created by Bookish Serendipity

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Speak soon,

H xx


Geekerella Review

Geekerella Review

Geekerella by Ashley Poston – 5/5⭐️s


Elle is your typical fan girl, obsessed with the original cast and run of her favourite tv show Starfield. Starfield was the thing her and her dad were engrossed by, but that was before he died and left her living with her evil stepmother and her oh so perfect daughters.

Just when Elle thinks nothing can get worse Starfield is being turned into a movie and the newest teen heartthrob is being turned into Federation Prince Carmindor.

Elle is determined to enter a contest at a convention, win and then leave her awful. life behind (and maybe tell Darien Freeman what she thinks of him ruining Starfield while she is at it).

This is all before she receives a text from an unknown number that could change her mind.

This book was everything I needed it to be and more! With exam season here I needed a book that I was going to be able to read in one sitting – if I hadn’t had to do some revision I would have! I loved all the nerdy reference and the idea that Elle was just like us, she had a blog, she was obsessed over a TV show. It was just perfect.

Surprisingly in places this book was emotional and held so much more than just your typical summer contemporary.
Furthermore, this book didn’t just have an amazing plot but one of the main characters is   a POC and it contains – briefly (like at the end) – a female female relationship, the characters were lovable and quirky.  If you needed convincing any further there is a very cute dog involved 😉

Okay I can see how people would critique the book “it would never really happen like that” or ” the romance was so not real” but I honestly think this is the perfect summer read where you don’t really mind that kind of thing. Also everyone can dream that this would really happen to them can’t they?

“Look to the stars. Aim. Ignite.”

I would love to know if you have read Geekerella and what you thought of it, or it you are planning on reading it.

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Speak soon,

H xx

Book Cake Tag

Book Cake Tag

Flour – A book that was slow in the beginning, but then really picked up.

Six of Crows, this is one of my favourite books so I love it all but I have been re reading it as part of a book club and many people have said they find it quite confusing.

Butter or Margarine – A book that has a really good rich plot. 

Any good high fantasy has a rich plot, so something like Game of Thrones or The Assassins Apprentice.

Eggs – A book you thought you weren’t going to like but ended up loving.

Jane Eyre, I had to read this for school and my sister had told me that it was good, but I struggle to read classics. Anyway I read it in a day on holiday, although, we have started to analyse it in English and there are some major flaws!

Sweet – A super sweet book.

Geekerella! OMG this book was so good! This book is a perfect summer read and has so many nerdy references that just made me smile every time. (review coming Wednesday)

Icing – A book that covers everything you enjoy in a book (sad, funny, action,…etc.)

Me before you! I cry all the tears every time I read this!😭

Sprinkles – A book that you can turn to to make you feel better.

I would say Harry Potter but I would always put this, so I would have to say the I’d Tell You I Love You series by Ally Carter. I have read this series countless times, it is about a school for spies and you follow a group of friends as they come into contact with challenges and cute boys. (I didn’t like the first one and I have only read that once😂)

Cherry on Top – The best book you’ve read so far this year.

That depends, there are quite a few books which I have given 5 ⭐️s to but I would have to say (just so I don’t repeat myself) A Court Of Mist and Fury… because… RHYS, this was a re read for me this year. I could also say A Darker Shade of Magic or Paper Princess.

I tag..

And anyone else that would like to do the tag, please comment below if you would liked to be tagged. Also I would love to get to know more of you ☺️

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Speak soon,

H xx